Sit in Front of the Rebbi

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November 26 2017
1h 33min 20s
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  1. Title: davening
    Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Levi Leider &##44;

    Dear Rabbi Rakeffet-Rothkoff Shlita, Thank-you again for the fascinating shiurim. I believe that they are one of a kind. It was mentioned that some great rabbis would interject into their davening some yiddish. There is a teshuva from Harav Feinstein on this issue, when one wants to translate parts of davening to increase kavana, see Igros Moshe ch.gimmel. oc. teshuva 8. He ends by saying שו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ג סימן ח ומה שראה מע"כ שצדיק אחד עשה כן אין להשגיח על זה ואין אנו אחראים על מעשיו, ואתה צריך לעשות כדין שאסור לשנות מכפי שתיקנו חז"ל. ידידו, משה פיינשטיין. I heard [but could not verify] that the tzaddik was Harav Segal from Manchester, who was known to have invested tremendous efforts in his avodas hatefillah. It seems to be a difference in opinion about how far to take one's devotion in tefillah in this aspect. thank-you lavi leider

  2. Title: davening
    Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Levi Leider &##44;

    Dear Rabbi Rakeffet-Rothkoff Shlita, Thank-you again for the fascinating shiurim. I believe that they are one of a kind. It was mentioned that some great rabbis would interject into their davening some yiddish. There is a teshuva from Harav Feinstein on this issue, when one wants to translate parts of davening to increase kavana, see Igros Moshe ch.gimmel. oc. teshuva 8. He ends by saying שו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ג סימן ח ומה שראה מע"כ שצדיק אחד עשה כן אין להשגיח על זה ואין אנו אחראים על מעשיו, ואתה צריך לעשות כדין שאסור לשנות מכפי שתיקנו חז"ל. ידידו, משה פיינשטיין. I heard [but could not verify] that the tzaddik was Harav Segal from Manchester, who was known to have invested tremendous efforts in his avodas hatefillah. It seems to be a difference in opinion about how far to take one's devotion in tefillah in this aspect. thank-you lavi leider

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