- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Does one need to correct a person's misconception of a favor? What did Rivka tell Yaakov, regarding getting a blessing from Yitzchak? Does one butcher violating the rules of a kasharus system, nullify the entire system? Can one eat meat that was placed on a "hefker for all" table, if a gentile partook of some of the meat? In a city where nine stores sell kosher and one sells non kosher meat, how does the law differ for finding meat in the street, versus purchasing meat from one, and why? Why do we paskin like the Bavli and not the Yerushalmi? What level of siman is needed for returning a lost object, or for permitting a woman to remarry? Chumash-Vayishlach: What improvements did Yaakov institute in Shechem? Is a monetary system good?
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