Masechet & Hilchot Shabbat 104b & 105q: Two categories of קורע that parallel two categories of מוחק. Based on the insights of the Pri Megadim that we studied in the previous shiur two days ago, establishing two categories of מוחק, One, על מנת לכתוב, Two, a מחיקה של תיקון without any plan to write letters, we can shed a new light on the nature of מלאכת קורע. The latter can be divided into two categories: on is a preparation for תפירה, the other is a constructive קריעה without any intention to prepare for תפירה. In the last case, however, we lack a similarity to the Mishkan in the תוצאה; hence we will require a similarity to Mishkan in the מעשה קריעה. Based on the Rav Shulchan Aruch we will require a דבר הנארג to exclude נייר או עור.
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