Is it prohibited to cook neveila in milk? Give three examples of isur chal al isur? Do Shabbos and Yom Kipppur start at the same time? Does a person who violates shabbos, bring a chatos, if he wouldn't care about violating shabbos anyway? Was Adam permitted to eat some kind of meat? Was gid hanashe repeated at Sinai? Why do we not use the name Avram, but we use the name Yaakov? How can a dead chicken defile you, and by what mechanism? If one sprinkled water of a para aduma on Tuesday, can the second sprinkling be on the following Sunday? Why is it permissible to drink milk and eat bee's honey? What is the prohibition of cannibalism? Chumash-Vayikra: On which sins does one bring a karbon chatos? How complicated should one educate children?
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