Masechet Zevachim 2b-3b: Proving that סתמא is Pasul in Get and unless the סופר writes the Get on behalf of this particular husband to divorce this particular woman, the Get is worthless. A general לשם גירושין is not sufficient. In the second half of the shiur we begin the sugya of טומאת כלי חרס in the case of תוך תוכו, i.e. food inside a כלי that is located inside the airspace of a כלי חרס with a שרץ suspended inside the latter utensil (in this case an earthenware oven). The principle in קדשים which our sugya analyzes addresses the case of the שחיטה of the Kohen executed for the sake of חולין and the Korban is Kosher because מין בשאינו מינו אינו מחריב.
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