Does one need to swallow the eiver min hachai whole? What is the size of a eiruv chatzeiros? Did Hillel swallow matza, maror and Pesach in one gulp? Why do we wait six hours after eating meat, and when can one be lenient? Can one feed non kosher food, through a feeding tube? Why did the Bedatz tell Moshav Mazkeret Batya, to go to the rav of Yafo, prior to shemita? Why might it be better to sell Eretz Yisrael to a Muslim? Why are matanos (zro'a, l'chayaim, keiva), not given to Kohanim in the diaspora? Are Kohanim and Leviim definitely Kohanim and Leviim? Yom Hatzmaut: How did the Gra' foresee YH? How did R YB Soloveitchik facilitate the UN partition plan vote? What did Rav Velvel advise Ben Gurion? Was the Ponevezer Rav for hakomas Medina?
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