Masechet Sukka B'Iyun 31a-b: taking a disqualified Lulav, etc., בשעת הדחק. How can the Halacha advocate taking the four מינים if they are פסול? Can one recite a Beracha over a dry Lulav? We will study the 'revolutionary' insight of the Rosh and try to understand the principle of מסרן הכתוב לחכמים as it applies here and elsewhere. We will attempt to explain the view of the Rambam that we only allow for a פסול in the case of a Lulav (not any of the other three) and only in the case of a dried Lulav (not in the cases of other פסולים). We will study the concept of the Bach entitled מקצת הדר and can this concept help us understand the Rambam?
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