Masechet Sukka B'Iyun 31b-32a: Reading Rashi carefully on לולב הנסדק. Rashi omits the concept of עליונים and seems to apply the disqualification of נקטם to all the leaves of the Lulav, and the same to נסדק. This is in contrast to Tos' who limits the פסול to the עלים העליונים. Rashi also introduces a concept of ראשי העלין which is omitted by Tos'. We will try to analyze these דיוקים and proceed to compare נסדק to the case of הינדיק. This will shed light on another dimension of the sugya. Is there any difference in Halacha between a natural 'deformity' in the Lulav, and a man-made one that looks exactly the same? These and other q's wil be addressed. At the end of the shiur we begin the issue of adding an extra Lulav or Arava.
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