Masechet Shabbat Sugyat Chanuka 21b & 22b-23a: Three Insights into Chanuka.
One, the Pri Megadim, we will require שהחיינו on Purim even if he has already fulfilled his mitzva of Hadlaka. But there will be no such Beracha on Lulav if he has already fulfilled that mitva of lulav.
Two, the mitzva of Ner Chanuka is a complex one with two dimensions. Firstly as a fulfillment of the day of Chanuka as a Yom Tov. Here the Kiyum is הודאה. Secondly an independent mitzva of Hadlaka which is not part of the Yom Tov as a Kiyum of Pirsum HaNes.
Three, the Taz's claim that Ner Chanuka and Ner Shabbos are fundamentally different. The former is Hadlaka, the latter is נר דלוק.
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