Are all isurei ha'naah equivalent regarding the rule of ketutei michtas shiura? What additional mitzva is there by avoda zara versus arlah? Can a get be written on isurei ha'naah? Does one need to do a kinyan chalipin to appoint one's rabbi to sell one's chametz? How is a metzorah compared to a dead person? Do we say rubo ki'kulo, by a Nazir, who drinks rov rivi'is wine? Should the mekadesh drink the whole cup? Does a car prevent tumah from entering? Why is issur not learned from tumah? What are the three classifications of the torah? What are the four types of avoda zarah? In what situation can a woman or gentile serve on a beis din as a dayan? Chumash-Vayechi: How is davening learned from Yaakov's acquisition with a cherev and keshes?
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