- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Which of the three components of chalitza is required? Are there any consequences to giving a pasul get? What are the four actions done with blood by a karbon? When do a mincha and shtei ha'lechem attain kedushas damim and guf lamizbaiach? After what avodah can kohanim eat the karbon? Does the milah of a future convert accomplish anything before he is tovel? Can one be a half Jew and half gentile? Which three contracts in isur require l'shma? Give two examples of rei'ach ha'get? Can a hemophiliac man convert? Does spitting alone accomplish any chalitza? Should one repeat the pasukim of chalitza, if recited out of order? Can the yavam appoint a shaliach? How can one extend one's life? Chumash-Bo: How is kidush hachodesh accomplished today?
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