Halacha for Purim: Is Purim endowed with קדושת עיצומו של היום. Please note that the most convincing proof for שדושת היום in Purim is the Beraisa in Masechet Sofrim. The latter uses the term קדושה and this refers to the קדושה in חזרת הש"ץ that is added in a day that is sanctified with קדושת היום. In the shiur that we presented we substituted the work קידוש for קדושה. Conceptually these two terms are identical as they both presume the existence of קדושת היום. As we pointed out in the shiur, our Rebby, the Rav, could not tolerate this definition; he identified קדושת היום with איסור מלאכה. Hence Purim is a day of חול. We ask the listener to weigh the evidence of the possibility of a new definition of קדושת היום.
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