Hashkafa for Pesach: The Four Sons, the Four Tanaim who entered פרדס; the four Torah Giants who visited Rebby Akiva in B'nei Brak לספר ביציאת מצרים. In this shiur based on the Shevilei Pinchas, and the Chida and Chasam Sofer, we will establish that there are two fundamentally different methods of reveal the existence and essence of God. One way is fraught with danger, and of the four תנאים who attempted this method (called אחורנית), only one - Rebby Akiva - succeeded. This method of מלמטה למעלה was employed by the דור אנוש and it ended in the worship of כוכבים ומזלות which continued for generations til it penetrated מצרים. But at Har Sinai Hashem revealed another method, the method of מלמעלה למטה, the revelation of יציאת מצרים ומעמד הר סיני
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