Masechet Ketuvot 31a, the Sugya of עקירה צורך הנחה. We will compare the case of Reuvain stealing the Chelev of Shimon and subsequently eats the Chelev, to the case of shooting an arrow on Shabbat which destroys someone's property while in flight before the arrow lands on the ground 4 amos away from the עקירה. In the first case the חיוב תשלומי גניבה was complete before the חיוב כרת for Achilas Chelev. Whereas in the latter case the זורק is guilty of Meleches HoTza'ah from the moment of זריקה. It is impossible to violate HaTza'ah without the עקירה. Hence the latter is an essential part of the מעשה המחייב, and that can exempt him from paying damages for destroying the other's property.
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