- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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Masechet Ketuvot B'Iyun 30b: Is the תוחב obligated to pay for the stolen חלב? Did he effectuate a קנין גזילה when he removed the חלב from the רשות בעלים? Does it make a difference if he 'stole' the חלב for himself,or if he took it to feed it to someone else? What is the law regarding someone who removed someone's property in order to destroy it? Is he a גזלן or a מזיק? The premise of today's shiur is that if not for קילבד"מ the אוכל את החלב would pay the owner (in the case of Terumah, he would pay the Kohen). Rashi exempts the תוחב. Why? The R'i disagrees: both the תוחב and the אוכל are equally liable. Hence, compensation can be extracted from either one of them.
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