- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Whom can kohanim not marry? Can the raped wife of a kohen return to her husband? Can the divorced daughter of a kohen eat terumah? Who can eat ma'aser rishon? Can it be eaten in a cemetery? Who wrote the stam mishna? In which situation is a captive woman like a harlot? Define kusuvas banin dichrin? Does that apply today? Can a kohen with a deformed hand duchan? When is the reason for a gezeirah, incorporated into the gezeira? Why did the rabbis hide, for one year,the reason for a gezeira? Are the laws of inheritance governed by monetary rules or by issur/heter? Should one wear woolen arba kanfos? Does a individual bring a chatas if a beis din told him it was permissible? Chumash:Noach- why repeat the issur of murder? Is suicide ever mutar?
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