Oros HaKodesh (12) Torah, Written From Right to Left

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December 27 2019
56min 20s

Venue: Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY) Aish Kodesh (Woodmere, NY)


Collections: R' Weinberger Oros Hakodesh

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    1. Title: Above Shiur
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yisroel Davidson &##44;

      SBVCT"S I came across your shiurim yesterday, much of which was interesting--although I am not ad idem with you on several points. In any event, just a couple of Ho'oros on your shiur "Oros Hakodesh". 1. I think that it is truth more or less now universally acknowledged, that Art Scroll has performed a useful service. I would strongly suggest, however, that Bnei Yeshivah should not "crib" from Art Scroll but should "horven" apply themselves with effort and diligence to understand the Gemorroh 2. What you term "Hungarian Rabbis" were not against Daf Yomi per se, but because they perceived it as a product of the quasi Zionist Agudah whom they strenuously opposed (and with good reason) 3.The last Lubavitcher rebbe whom you quote with unqualified approval also transformed Chabad into a neo Messianic (I would use the word Christian from the Greek "Christos" meaning "Messiah", but fear I might be misunderstood). His manifest objective was to break tradition and transform Lubavitch into his own image and his conviction he was Moshiach. If you read the history of the early Church, you will find incontrovertible parallels.This is not the forum to debate the issue, but I strongly disagree with your depiction of him and his motives, and those who oppose him whom you classify as dinosaurs. It was not necessarily his outgoing approach that was contentious but the content of his message and his agenda. I look forward to listening to more of your Shiurim be"h, but with chochmah. Bevirkas Kol Tuv

    2. Title: Above Shiur
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Yisroel Davidson &##44;

      SBVCT"S I came across your shiurim yesterday, much of which was interesting--although I am not ad idem with you on several points. In any event, just a couple of Ho'oros on your shiur "Oros Hakodesh". 1. I think that it is truth more or less now universally acknowledged, that Art Scroll has performed a useful service. I would strongly suggest, however, that Bnei Yeshivah should not "crib" from Art Scroll but should "horven" apply themselves with effort and diligence to understand the Gemorroh 2. What you term "Hungarian Rabbis" were not against Daf Yomi per se, but because they perceived it as a product of the quasi Zionist Agudah whom they strenuously opposed (and with good reason) 3.The last Lubavitcher rebbe whom you quote with unqualified approval also transformed Chabad into a neo Messianic (I would use the word Christian from the Greek "Christos" meaning "Messiah", but fear I might be misunderstood). His manifest objective was to break tradition and transform Lubavitch into his own image and his conviction he was Moshiach. If you read the history of the early Church, you will find incontrovertible parallels.This is not the forum to debate the issue, but I strongly disagree with your depiction of him and his motives, and those who oppose him whom you classify as dinosaurs. It was not necessarily his outgoing approach that was contentious but the content of his message and his agenda. I look forward to listening to more of your Shiurim be"h, but with chochmah. Bevirkas Kol Tuv