- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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How has the mitzvah of pirya v'rivya changed after matan torah? When do we say that a convert is like newly born? How do the laws of inheritance differ from Jews and gentiles? What was the nature of the milah prior to Pesach Mitzrayim? Does a convert who already fathered children, need to have more children? Are women required to have children? How do pirya v"rivya and she'ves differ? How come being Jewish does not depend upon one's father? How do she'er basar and mishpacha differ? Can two brothers testify together? Can women or a slave recite a bracha on lulav? Did Moshe fulfill pirya v'rivya? How does one fulfill bikur cholim? Chumash-Vayechi: Why was Jerusalem divided between Yehuda and Binyamin? Why was the mizbai'ach not square?
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