Daf Yomi Berachot 61b,comparing the evil inclination to the fly in a fragrant oil, or to the kernel of wheat, the finest of grains; the Yeter HaTov on the right side of the heart, the Yetzer HaRah on the left side of the heart; the various physical and spiritual functions of various organs of the body; the purpose of the creation of two worlds, on for the evil doers, the other for the Tzadikim; the בינוני; the martyrdom of Rebby Akiva; the prohibition of positioning oneself facing certain directions while defecating in the direction of the Temple Mount; the parable of R' Akiva to explain why he must teach Torah under the persecution of the Romans; the mitzva of Kiddush Hashem to give up that which is most cherished to him; Ahavas Hashem
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