Daf Yomi Shabbat 16a, analyzing the status of glassware regarding קבלת טומאה, do we compare these utensils to metal ones, or to earthen ware? Would glassware contract Tumah from the outside of the utensil like a metal utensil? Would the principle of חזרה טומאה לתחילתן apply to glassware? What about Tumah suspended in the airspace of a glass utensil? It seems that we would burn Terumah in such a case! We must keep in mind that glassware like all Keilim are only susceptible to Tumah if they have a בית קיבול as opposed to metal utensil. At the end of the day it seems that glassware are most similar to כלי חרס. The six ספקות where we burn the Terumah. Why the Chachamim were wary of allowing for the breakage of a כלי טמא.
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