Shabbos Daf 06 - Carrying Through a Karmelis, Four Reshuyos

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March 12 2020
39min 55s

Series: Daf Yomi

Venue: Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere


Collections: R' Aryeh Lebowitz Daf Yomi Shabbos 2020

References: Shabbat: 6a Shabbat: 6b  

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    1. Title: The Hidden Scroll of Issi ben Yehuda
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Avi Garson &##44;

      Hi Rabbi, Lemaskana, Issi ben Yehuda's view is that one of the Avot Melachot doesn't warrant the punishment of stoning. A Peleh. The Gemara takes the message in this hidden scroll seriously to the extent that it is willing to say the Beraita contains additional words because of this opinion... The question that must be raised is why doesn't the Gemara examine this incredible teaching in great detail? Which Melacha is it referring to and what is the source behind this exception? Why doesn't Rav scrutinise the teaching found in this mysterious scroll? Are there any Mefarshim who delve into this? Thank you...

    2. Title: The Hidden Scroll of Issi ben Yehuda
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Avi Garson &##44;

      Hi Rabbi, Lemaskana, Issi ben Yehuda's view is that one of the Avot Melachot doesn't warrant the punishment of stoning. A Peleh. The Gemara takes the message in this hidden scroll seriously to the extent that it is willing to say the Beraita contains additional words because of this opinion... The question that must be raised is why doesn't the Gemara examine this incredible teaching in great detail? Which Melacha is it referring to and what is the source behind this exception? Why doesn't Rav scrutinise the teaching found in this mysterious scroll? Are there any Mefarshim who delve into this? Thank you...

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