What karban(s) does a convert bring? Why did the Roman converts set aside money for these karbanos? Is there geirus if the convert refuses to fulfill a rabbinic decree? Would a pregnant gentile woman who converts need to tovel her child and why, if the child is born Jewish? Give another case where a Jew needs to be tovel l'sheim geirus? Can one violate a rabbinic law to fulfill a biblical law? How does a circumcised man convert? In what case does one listen to the command of a deathly ill person, even without a kinyan? In which psak do we say that the rabbis are the shalichim of previous rabbis? Is a sincere convert Jewish if his beis din were Reform rabbis? Chumash-Emor-Pesach Sheni- Is there Pesach Sheni without Pesach Rishon? Tachanun?
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