Masechet Eruvin Live 8, the double debate between R' Yehuda in the name of Shmuel & Rav, according to Abaye. One debate revolves around the application of the concept of מבוי מפולש in the case of the מבוי that ends in a רשות היחיד when the latter opens into a רשות הרבים. The second debate relates to the scope of the requirement of עירוב חצירות in the case of a breach that allows the בני החצר to enter into the מבוי. Do the בני החצר generate an איסור טלטול in the Mavoi. Today's Daf Yomi Shabbos will address a number of different scenarios where the מבוי opens into a רחבה or the various cases whee the wall that separated the מבוי from the חצר broke down but there are still vestiges of the wall that can be seen in the חצר but not from the חצר.
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