Torah Perspectives on Time: Appreciating, Maximizing, Utilizing - Part II

Ask speaker
October 26 2020
45min 1s

Venue: BRS Midrasha BRS Midrasha


Collections: Mrs. Horowitz Virtual Bais Medrash

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    1. Title: question on gemara avoda zara
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Rivka Lerner &##44;

      Dear Mrs Horowitz First of all, many thanks for your insightful, scholarly and relevant shiurim. I live and teach in Israel and greatly appreciate your classes. Regarding the question that comes up in your shiur about Rebbe crying about the 2 stories you mention and switching the order of Yesh Kone Olamo - one first besha'a achas first and one bekama shanim first. I discussed it and although I also have not found a definitive answer, a clue might be the third story mentioned here, regarding Ketina who spoke good for the Jews in Rome and gained his Olam Haba that way. Here, Rebbe also says Besha'a Achas first. If you look at the pattern of Asei tov vs Sur Merah you see that both stories describing Asei tov (so Ketina and the executionor) have besha'a achas first and then kama shanim and the sur merah story (R elazar ben dordaya) has kama shanim first and then sha'a achas. It could also be that we are talking about Jews and non Jews though it is not certain if Ketina was Jewish. I wonder if Rebbe is highlightling the futility of all the Evil in all those 'Kama Shanim' that ended in the Sur Merah of 'Sha'a Achas' , vs the amazing acheivement of sudden inspiration of the Asei Tov? All the best Rivka Lerner

    2. Title: question on gemara avoda zara
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Rivka Lerner &##44;

      Dear Mrs Horowitz First of all, many thanks for your insightful, scholarly and relevant shiurim. I live and teach in Israel and greatly appreciate your classes. Regarding the question that comes up in your shiur about Rebbe crying about the 2 stories you mention and switching the order of Yesh Kone Olamo - one first besha'a achas first and one bekama shanim first. I discussed it and although I also have not found a definitive answer, a clue might be the third story mentioned here, regarding Ketina who spoke good for the Jews in Rome and gained his Olam Haba that way. Here, Rebbe also says Besha'a Achas first. If you look at the pattern of Asei tov vs Sur Merah you see that both stories describing Asei tov (so Ketina and the executionor) have besha'a achas first and then kama shanim and the sur merah story (R elazar ben dordaya) has kama shanim first and then sha'a achas. It could also be that we are talking about Jews and non Jews though it is not certain if Ketina was Jewish. I wonder if Rebbe is highlightling the futility of all the Evil in all those 'Kama Shanim' that ended in the Sur Merah of 'Sha'a Achas' , vs the amazing acheivement of sudden inspiration of the Asei Tov? All the best Rivka Lerner

    3. Title: question on gemara avoda zara
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Rivka Lerner &##44;

      Dear Mrs Horowitz First of all, many thanks for your insightful, scholarly and relevant shiurim. I live and teach in Israel and greatly appreciate your classes. Regarding the question that comes up in your shiur about Rebbe crying about the 2 stories you mention and switching the order of Yesh Kone Olamo - one first besha'a achas first and one bekama shanim first. I discussed it and although I also have not found a definitive answer, a clue might be the third story mentioned here, regarding Ketina who spoke good for the Jews in Rome and gained his Olam Haba that way. Here, Rebbe also says Besha'a Achas first. If you look at the pattern of Asei tov vs Sur Merah you see that both stories describing Asei tov (so Ketina and the executionor) have besha'a achas first and then kama shanim and the sur merah story (R elazar ben dordaya) has kama shanim first and then sha'a achas. It could also be that we are talking about Jews and non Jews though it is not certain if Ketina was Jewish. I wonder if Rebbe is highlightling the futility of all the Evil in all those 'Kama Shanim' that ended in the Sur Merah of 'Sha'a Achas' , vs the amazing acheivement of sudden inspiration of the Asei Tov? All the best Rivka Lerner

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