1921 - First Instance of "Synagogue Council"

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November 09 2020
1h 43min 20s

Venue: YU Israel YU Israel


Collections: R' Rakeffet Jewish History Fall 2020

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    1. Title: Rabbi Howard (Zvi) Rosner z'l
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Elliot Rosner &##44;

      Thank you for your most kind words about my brother and his family. When you mentioned today in your shiur that you turned down an offer of $50,000 you couldn't refuse, I could relate that to my brother. My brother taught in Etz Chaim in Boro Park, Ramaz and was principal in HAFTR. He once met with Rabbi David Eliach and was basically offered to be his Asst. Principal at Yeshiva of Flatbush, which was quite a big offer, but my brother turned it down because he was interested in aliya and not money. During the shiva we received calls from two of the greatest educators of America, Rabbis David Eliach and Haskell Lookstein. Both spoke so highly of my brother. He had a tremendous influence on the youth of Israel through his programs with Misrad Hachinuch and for 3 years as the saba, along with his wife the savta to the children at Yemin Orde. He had a big impact on the Jewish world in so many ways.

    2. Title: Rabbi Howard (Zvi) Rosner z'l
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Elliot Rosner &##44;

      Thank you for your most kind words about my brother and his family. When you mentioned today in your shiur that you turned down an offer of $50,000 you couldn't refuse, I could relate that to my brother. My brother taught in Etz Chaim in Boro Park, Ramaz and was principal in HAFTR. He once met with Rabbi David Eliach and was basically offered to be his Asst. Principal at Yeshiva of Flatbush, which was quite a big offer, but my brother turned it down because he was interested in aliya and not money. During the shiva we received calls from two of the greatest educators of America, Rabbis David Eliach and Haskell Lookstein. Both spoke so highly of my brother. He had a tremendous influence on the youth of Israel through his programs with Misrad Hachinuch and for 3 years as the saba, along with his wife the savta to the children at Yemin Orde. He had a big impact on the Jewish world in so many ways.

    3. Title: Rabbi Howard (Zvi) Rosner z'l
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Elliot Rosner &##44;

      Thank you for your most kind words about my brother and his family. When you mentioned today in your shiur that you turned down an offer of $50,000 you couldn't refuse, I could relate that to my brother. My brother taught in Etz Chaim in Boro Park, Ramaz and was principal in HAFTR. He once met with Rabbi David Eliach and was basically offered to be his Asst. Principal at Yeshiva of Flatbush, which was quite a big offer, but my brother turned it down because he was interested in aliya and not money. During the shiva we received calls from two of the greatest educators of America, Rabbis David Eliach and Haskell Lookstein. Both spoke so highly of my brother. He had a tremendous influence on the youth of Israel through his programs with Misrad Hachinuch and for 3 years as the saba, along with his wife the savta to the children at Yemin Orde. He had a big impact on the Jewish world in so many ways.