Daily Halachah - The brachah for Nakd Bars

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December 21 2020
6min 17s

Venue: Alei Tzion (London, UK) Alei Tzion (London, UK)


Collections: R' Roselaar Daily Halacha

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    1. Title: Is there a volume requirement
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Bernard Kohn &##44;

      I looked at a Nakd bar of 35 gm. The dimensions are 9cm x 1.2 cm x 2.25 cm. The point of saying a 3 fold brochah for dates is 38ml. A Nakd bar falls far short of that so I think a boray nefoshos suffices. Your thoughts?

    2. Title: Is there a volume requirement
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Bernard Kohn &##44;

      I looked at a Nakd bar of 35 gm. The dimensions are 9cm x 1.2 cm x 2.25 cm. The point of saying a 3 fold brochah for dates is 38ml. A Nakd bar falls far short of that so I think a boray nefoshos suffices. Your thoughts?

    3. Title: Is there a volume requirement
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Bernard Kohn &##44;

      I looked at a Nakd bar of 35 gm. The dimensions are 9cm x 1.2 cm x 2.25 cm. The point of saying a 3 fold brochah for dates is 38ml. A Nakd bar falls far short of that so I think a boray nefoshos suffices. Your thoughts?

    4. Title: Volume Requirement
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : daniel roselaar &##44;

      <p>Using the dimensions that you have provided a Nakd bar is 24.3 cc and a kezayit is usually reckoned as 27 cc in which case not even a borei nefashot would be required. The date and raisin component of the bar is around 70% (depending on which flavour) which means that there is certainly less than a kezayit that would require an al haperot bracha - evn if one were to calculate the kezayit according to weight.</p>

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