Light and Vessels: Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Life and Letter

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January 31 2021
43min 39s


Collections: R' Brand Who Is A Jew?

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    1. Title: My note on your shiur on Heschel
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Harold Klein &##44;

      I wrote this to another email.... Dear Rabbi Brand, I must convey to you how much I enjoyed and appreciated your Shiur on YU Torah featuring R.Avraham Joshua Heschel Z"l. Certainly, I have listened to you on a number of occasions, here you communicated with so much passion and inspiration resulting I believe from the revelation of experiencing Rabbi Heschel's work. Your composing the ideas of Light and Vessels was magnificent. I too have thought that there is a probability that he was so filled with G-d's light and carried so much of the World's burden (holes in heart i.e. Apter) that contributed to his early passing. You would enjoy the youtube on Him recorded by CBS a few days prior to his Lavia. There are other Orthodox leaders coming out of the closet so to speak on the importance of Heschel and what he can bring to our connections to G-d. There are a number of things which I feel is important to relay regarding some of the religious "caveats" you raise. - Often I get in this discussion with really no solid response. I am talking about, what is it about R. Heschel that would qualify him as a Modern Orthodox Jew? His daughter refers to him as such. Although, when Heschel was asked if he was Conservative or Orthodox, his reply, "I am not a noun looking for an adjective." You communicate or suggest some of Heschel's practices or philosophies differ than traditional Orthodoxy - Well that is a slippery slope with connecting that to the revered life of R. Heschel Keep these in mind as you further explore and/or you share (hopefully) share his insights. First, he obtained Smicha I believe when he was 16 from the Agudah of Warsaw. The coat where he checked for Shatnes was not given (as I recollect from reading the in depth biography in 2 volumes by Ed Kaplan and Rabbi Samuel Dresner), was from an Orthodox couple that gave him shelter as well. So, his concern for Halacha needs to be more admired. There is a wonderful essay in Hakirah by Aaron Leiblich - "An Introduction to Rabbi Heschel's Theology" that also satisfies to a degree, concern about Heschel's perceived conflicting broken vessels regarding Heschel's Haskafa. A truly well researched and exciting essay. Also, a fine article by the Editor in Chief of the Jewsh Press On the Bat Mitzvah of Susannah, I don't know how old she was, but the geshrai was that at that time, the idea of a Bat Mitzvah was revolutionary and as I understand it, while it may not be "traditional" the father reading the Berachot and the daughter laining the Haftorah is not a violation of Halacha. Am I correct? Also, note, that the Seminary at that time would not have that reading there, so they went to a more liberal leaning Shul. Quite interesting. With regard to that essay you sited from Rabbi Fox, he starts off with an opinion which I find frankly offensive and subjective in the extreme - claiming the only way to find (paraphrased) G-d per Heschel is through intuition. One must read the breadth of Heschel's works - Maurice Friedman who wrote a book on Heschel and Wiesel - Maurice who became closer to Judaism because of Heschel, after the Rabbi sent him to have Shabbat with his first Cousin in Brooklyn the Novominsk, actually became infatuated with the prospect of taking on more - he asked R. Heschel - in order to live this life as a Jew must I put on tefillin..etc. Heschel's response - "The only way to enter the holy dimension of existence is through Halacha!" That statement says so much. In an essay when discussing practice Heschel (paraphrased again) writes that anything we do must satisfy R.Yonatan Ben Zakai, Akiva and the Baal Shem Tov. I could not read on because being in tune with Heschel's work from so many levels, this article insults the greatness of Heschel and is quite limited. What I wrote above can serve to refute much of what Fox writes and when he claims that Heschel says there are three ways to sense G-d. That is as a Horse with blinders on. Heschel writes in depth about learning, philosophizing, Shabbat and other means to realize G-d countering what Fox writes.. Rabbi Fox does an injustice to the totality of Rabbi Dr. Professor Heschel's life, contribution and potential for us to transform into better Jews and inspire those who are not yet observant. He has that power indeed. I have seen it. Finally and there is so much more to guard the sanctity of the life of R. Heschel; consider Rabbi Dresner who I sited earlier. He had no background, heard Heschel was at HUC and went there to be with him. The story is, Heschel had the tefillin of his ancestor Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdivich and as he instructed R. Dresner on its wearing, then Dresner became observant. As you may know Heschel could not tolerate the reform practice and was considered by YU and JTS. As you also likely know, JTS was rich with truly Observant Teachers, many of whom were also Giants. Being a Chicago Rabbi, if you explore a bit, R.Dresner was a Rabbi in the suburbs of Chicago where he was responsible for many homes becoming Kosher and enhancing commitment to Halachic Jewish Practice in many homes. That is certainly a wonderful testimony to Heschel as well. Rabbi Brand, thank you for reading this far if you have:) and for sharing that beautiful Shiur on Heschel who I refer to as the World's Rabbi. If you would like to chat, I would most welcome that. I wonder if you have received any other feedback, good or bad on your talk. I am in the Film industry and have made a few documentaries and considering creating one of R. Heschel and not with the usual voices. Already I have a number of prominent Orthodox names who agreed to appear including among others; Rabbis Weil, JJ.Schachter, Gelman and a number in Israel, I would like to include you if I am ever blessed with the ability to pull this off. Kol Tuv, Harold Klein

    2. Title: My note on your shiur on Heschel
      Author: False == 1 ? Anonymous : Harold Klein &##44;

      I wrote this to another email.... Dear Rabbi Brand, I must convey to you how much I enjoyed and appreciated your Shiur on YU Torah featuring R.Avraham Joshua Heschel Z"l. Certainly, I have listened to you on a number of occasions, here you communicated with so much passion and inspiration resulting I believe from the revelation of experiencing Rabbi Heschel's work. Your composing the ideas of Light and Vessels was magnificent. I too have thought that there is a probability that he was so filled with G-d's light and carried so much of the World's burden (holes in heart i.e. Apter) that contributed to his early passing. You would enjoy the youtube on Him recorded by CBS a few days prior to his Lavia. There are other Orthodox leaders coming out of the closet so to speak on the importance of Heschel and what he can bring to our connections to G-d. There are a number of things which I feel is important to relay regarding some of the religious "caveats" you raise. - Often I get in this discussion with really no solid response. I am talking about, what is it about R. Heschel that would qualify him as a Modern Orthodox Jew? His daughter refers to him as such. Although, when Heschel was asked if he was Conservative or Orthodox, his reply, "I am not a noun looking for an adjective." You communicate or suggest some of Heschel's practices or philosophies differ than traditional Orthodoxy - Well that is a slippery slope with connecting that to the revered life of R. Heschel Keep these in mind as you further explore and/or you share (hopefully) share his insights. First, he obtained Smicha I believe when he was 16 from the Agudah of Warsaw. The coat where he checked for Shatnes was not given (as I recollect from reading the in depth biography in 2 volumes by Ed Kaplan and Rabbi Samuel Dresner), was from an Orthodox couple that gave him shelter as well. So, his concern for Halacha needs to be more admired. There is a wonderful essay in Hakirah by Aaron Leiblich - "An Introduction to Rabbi Heschel's Theology" that also satisfies to a degree, concern about Heschel's perceived conflicting broken vessels regarding Heschel's Haskafa. A truly well researched and exciting essay. Also, a fine article by the Editor in Chief of the Jewsh Press On the Bat Mitzvah of Susannah, I don't know how old she was, but the geshrai was that at that time, the idea of a Bat Mitzvah was revolutionary and as I understand it, while it may not be "traditional" the father reading the Berachot and the daughter laining the Haftorah is not a violation of Halacha. Am I correct? Also, note, that the Seminary at that time would not have that reading there, so they went to a more liberal leaning Shul. Quite interesting. With regard to that essay you sited from Rabbi Fox, he starts off with an opinion which I find frankly offensive and subjective in the extreme - claiming the only way to find (paraphrased) G-d per Heschel is through intuition. One must read the breadth of Heschel's works - Maurice Friedman who wrote a book on Heschel and Wiesel - Maurice who became closer to Judaism because of Heschel, after the Rabbi sent him to have Shabbat with his first Cousin in Brooklyn the Novominsk, actually became infatuated with the prospect of taking on more - he asked R. Heschel - in order to live this life as a Jew must I put on tefillin..etc. Heschel's response - "The only way to enter the holy dimension of existence is through Halacha!" That statement says so much. In an essay when discussing practice Heschel (paraphrased again) writes that anything we do must satisfy R.Yonatan Ben Zakai, Akiva and the Baal Shem Tov. I could not read on because being in tune with Heschel's work from so many levels, this article insults the greatness of Heschel and is quite limited. What I wrote above can serve to refute much of what Fox writes and when he claims that Heschel says there are three ways to sense G-d. That is as a Horse with blinders on. Heschel writes in depth about learning, philosophizing, Shabbat and other means to realize G-d countering what Fox writes.. Rabbi Fox does an injustice to the totality of Rabbi Dr. Professor Heschel's life, contribution and potential for us to transform into better Jews and inspire those who are not yet observant. He has that power indeed. I have seen it. Finally and there is so much more to guard the sanctity of the life of R. Heschel; consider Rabbi Dresner who I sited earlier. He had no background, heard Heschel was at HUC and went there to be with him. The story is, Heschel had the tefillin of his ancestor Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdivich and as he instructed R. Dresner on its wearing, then Dresner became observant. As you may know Heschel could not tolerate the reform practice and was considered by YU and JTS. As you also likely know, JTS was rich with truly Observant Teachers, many of whom were also Giants. Being a Chicago Rabbi, if you explore a bit, R.Dresner was a Rabbi in the suburbs of Chicago where he was responsible for many homes becoming Kosher and enhancing commitment to Halachic Jewish Practice in many homes. That is certainly a wonderful testimony to Heschel as well. Rabbi Brand, thank you for reading this far if you have:) and for sharing that beautiful Shiur on Heschel who I refer to as the World's Rabbi. If you would like to chat, I would most welcome that. I wonder if you have received any other feedback, good or bad on your talk. I am in the Film industry and have made a few documentaries and considering creating one of R. Heschel and not with the usual voices. Already I have a number of prominent Orthodox names who agreed to appear including among others; Rabbis Weil, JJ.Schachter, Gelman and a number in Israel, I would like to include you if I am ever blessed with the ability to pull this off. Kol Tuv, Harold Klein

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