- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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When the villager comes to the city to hear the megillah before Purim, who does the laining? Define Lo Sisgodudu? Why do we paskin like Beis Hillel, if Beis Shamai were smarter? Can a son make kidush after plag, for his mother, if he plans on making shabbos late? Define: ir, chatzer, and mavui. Is techum biblical? Which biblical mitzvos depend on having an ir? What special laws apply to walled cities? Are there chatzeirim today? Which techum is round, and which techum is rectangular? When can a rabbi disagree with a greater rabbi? When can a beis din not argue with a previous beis din? Is the prohibition to work on chol hamoed, biblical? When was Taanis Esther instituted for generations? When do we fast on erev Shabbos? Should two people stand by the chazan, on Yom Kippur?
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