- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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Define ir. Does Shushan still exist? Why can the megillah be read on so many days? Why is Yom Ha'atzmaut sometimes celebrated, not on 5 Iyar? Should Yom Ha'atzmaut always be celebrated in America, on 5 Iyar? Why are the rabbis not violating bal tosif, by creating a rabbinic holiday? Why did the Chasam Sofer want to abolish Lag Ba'Omer? How does an asmachta differ from an asmachta b'alma? How do we remember Shabbos? Why are walled cities defined by Yehoshua? Why are rabbinic laws fashioned after biblical laws? How can a rabbi learn a gezeira shava? Should a killer exile himself today to a arei miklat? Is techum Shabbos biblical? Why was Moshe the greatest prophet? How was Ezra allowed to change the script to Ashuris? Which biblical mitzvos changed over time? How is the torah a mashal hakadmoni? Which mitzvos can one fulfil with partners?
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