- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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When is g'ram kibui permitted? Are other melachos permitted when done as a grama? When do we say that there is no binyan in keilim? Why does a very large vessel not become tamei? Define g'ram melacha? When are we not worried about hasagas gvul? Define a issur p'ula versus issur chalos and how would grama differ by them? Should one be marbeh b'shiurim or marbeh b'melacha for a choleh? Can a kohen attending his relative's funeral, enter, if a second body is present? Can one cook a full pot of meat on Yom Tov, if one plans eating only part of the pot? Is marbeh b'shiurim biblical? Is pikuach nefashos hutrah? Chumash-Behar: How does Eretz Yisrael differ from other countries in regards to charging rent? Why is one required to pay tax?
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