Using Netziv's commentary in a survey on the parsha, we looked at specific details in each narrative
What caused Yosef's brothers to hate him?
How did Yosef perceive his brothers through their troubling relationships?
How did the brothers feel about taking Yosef's clothes? About throwing him in a pit? About having to sell him?
When did the Yehuda/Tamar episode take place? In what ways can Tamar's actions be not only justified, but elevated?
What was Yosef's relationship with Potiphar? How was God watching over Yosef in Egypt?
How did Yosef find himself in the incredible position of serving the Sar HaMashkim and Sar HaOfim, to interpret their dreams - to become a memory the Sar HaMashkim would one day recall to Pharaoh?
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