- Rabbi Yehudah Weil
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Rabbi Yehudah Weil
Search for all shiurimRabbi Yehuda Weil (1865-1944) –Rabbi Weil was among the outstanding students of the Chafetz Chaim zt”l in the yeshiva in Radin. Humble and unpretentious, few details about his life are available. A great scholar and a tzaddik, Rabbi Weil was known as “the Chafetz Chaim of America”. He was the mashgiach of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary while the Yeshiva was under the leadership of Rabbi Bernard Revel zt”l and for several years after his passing. In that capacity he served as mentor in the Yeshiva’s Beit Midrash and administered personal oral examinations to entering students. His love for his students knew no bounds; he understood them and constantly strengthened their commitments to Torah.
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