Rabbi Heshy Kleinman

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Rabbi Heshy Kleinman is the author of the best selling book, Praying With Fire: a Five-Minute Lesson-a-Day Volume 1, and the recently released Praying With Fire 2 published by Artscroll Mesorah. Rabbi Kleinman lectures internationally on prayer and other challenging topics. He is co-founder of the V'Ani Tefillah Foundation, dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance and power of prayer and to providing education, inspiration, and tools for more sincere, powerful and effective prayer. Rabbi Kleinman is also co-founder of the Hakhel Public Lecture Program in Brooklyn, NY. He is a frequent contributor to various magazines including the Jewish Observer and the OU's Jewish Action. Prior to publishing his books and devoting himself to the V'Ani Tefillah Foundation, Rabbi Kleinman served as Rabbi of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah in Brooklyn, New York. Rabbi Kleinman received his rabbinic ordination from the Mirrer Yeshiva of New York.

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