Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky

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Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky is the Director of Educational Technology and a member of the Judaic Studies faculty at Yeshivat Frisch in Paramus, NJ. In this capacity, he works with the faculty both in General and Judaic Studies to integrate technology into every aspect of teaching and learning at Frisch. Rabbi Pittinsky is also a professor for MOFET's International Online Academy, an educational consultant for Gemara Berura, a technology enhanced methodology for teaching Talmud and a Smart Board Certified Teacher Trainer. He is an active blogger. He blogs on the intersection of Technology and Jewish education at http://techrav.blogspot.com. He blogs on Tanach at http://tanachrav.blogspot.com/ and on Talmud at http://dafchat.blogspot.com/. You can follow him on Twitter @techrav. Rabbi Pittinsky received his B.A., Semicha and 2 master’s degrees in Medieval Jewish History and Education from Yeshiva University.

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