Rabbi Berman’s Post-Inauguration Message Listen now

Listen to Rabbi Berman's speak to both the Beren and Wilf campuses

Music in Halacha and Machshava Browse the shiurim

Learn about the power of music in the Torah, as well as the halachot related to zemirot and niggunim.

Getting Ready for the Big Game Browse the shiurim

Are there positive messages to glean from the Superbowl for a Torah Jew?

Remembering Rabbi Charlop z"l Browse the Hespedim

This week marks the first yahrtzeit of Rabbi Zevulun Charlop zt"l, who served as the Dean of RIETS for many years and helped shape the yeshiva to what it is today. Listen to the hespedim to gain an appreciation of his life.

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Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Alan and Fran Broder to commemorate the yahrzeit of their father, Bernard Creeger, Baruch Mordechai ben Shmuel Moshe, a"h and by Ruth Peyser Kestenbaum and Miriam & Alan Goldberg to mark the twelfth yahrtzeit of their father, Irwin Peyser, Harav Yisroel Chaim ben R' Dovid V' Fraidah Raizel Peyser and by Dr. Harris & Elisheva Teitz Goldstein l'zecher nishmos his parents, Rabbi Dr. Noah Goldstein, HaRav Noach ben Yitzchak David zt'l, and Beverly Goldstein, Bayla bas Noach Ze'ev z'l, on their yahrzeits this week