Before there was YUTorah or anything else online, there was Daf Hashavua on the radio with Rav Pinchas Teitz z"l, whose yahrtzeit is this week. Gain an appreciation of his contribution to the Jewish community with his shiurim on YUTorah.
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by Debbie Nossbaumin loving memory ofher father, Nathan Werdiger, נתן בן שלמה אלימלך and by Thomas and Perrie Gelb and family l'ilui nishmas Leah bas R Yosef (Sternbach) Gelb whose yahrzeit is today, 5 Teves and by Harris and Elli Teitz Goldstein l'ilui nishmas Elli's father HaRav HaGaon Rav Pinchas Teitz zt'l whose 29th yahrzeit is 4 Teves