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(9 shiurim)
Temura 27a

Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Elliot and Nechama Rosner in memory of their dear brother, Rabbi Howard (Zvi) Rosner and by Avi & Aleeza Lauer, Mordechai & Astrid Leifer and Joey & Tina Orlian commemorating the 36th yahrzeit of their dear friend Gary Slochowsky, a'h and by Ezra & Millie Fried l’zecher nishmat שרה גואל בת אברהם, Gitta Ackerman and by Joshua & Amy Fogelman and Family l’ilui nishmat Dr. Harold Fogelman, חיים צבי בן ברוך ז“ל