Rabbi Yoseph Vigler

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Born and raised in south Africa, Rabbi Yoseph Vigler studied at Ateres Yisroel and in a yeshiva in Kfar Chabad, Israel, receiving his rabbinical ordination from the Chief Rabbinate in Israel. As the Director of Mayan Yisroel in Brooklyn, Rabbi Vigler has promoted the rejuvenation of Judaism by providing the spiritual inspiration that people feel is missing in their lives. Rabbi Vigler inspires his students by teaching that Judiasm is more than a mechanical list of rules. A teacher in several Crown Heights, Brooklyn schools, Rabbi Vigler is extremely popular amongst his students, their parents and the faculty. He also works closely with Yeshivacation, a program designed to give Jewish men the opportunity to learn Torah at their own level. You can follow Rabbi Vigler's exciting work at Mayanisroel.net.

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