- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 8 min
Shiurim & Articles (1488)
Recently Added
Is Pirsumei Nisa of Chanuka for the Non-Jews?
Yosef's Righteousness and the Challenge of Judgment: A Deeper Look at the Brothers' Conflict
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 27 min
Why wasn't Chizkiyahu moshiach? Why didn't he sing shira?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 12 min
Should children recite havdalah on Sunday if they go to sleep on Saturday before Shabbat is over?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 5 min
What drinks can be used for havdalah and what spices can be used for besamim?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 44 min
Was Daniel a navi?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 26 min
Top Lectures
When should a soldier on the battlefield recite birkat ha-gomel?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 8 min
Cruises and Elective Surgery: Restrictions Three Days Before Shabbat
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 43 min
Steak from a 3D Printer: Is it kosher? Is it meat?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 37 min
Can AI be a Posek? Four Approaches
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 21 min
Strength Through Struggle: The Emotional Impact of COVID
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 48 min
The Mitzvah of Chinuch for Young Children: Halacha, Hashkafa and Parenting Tools
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 1 h 24 min
Is Pirsumei Nisa of Chanuka for the Non-Jews?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 8 min
Rav Asher Weiss on the Use of Alternative Medicine
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 49 min
Introduction to the Thought of Rav Kook: Biography of Rav Kook
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 10 min
The tension of joy and fear on Rosh Hashana
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 37 min
The Teshuva of Elul: Getting to the Roots of our Behavior Through Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 15 min
Martyrdom in the time of the Crusades: Heroes or Sinners?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 28 min
Yichud Today: Practical Scenarios and Solutions
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 27 min
A Memorial Day Shiur: The Charge and Challenge of Split Loyalties - Being an American, a Zionist and a Jew
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 19 min
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Suicide Mission or Act of Kiddush Hashem?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 23 min
Can Full-Time Torah Study Be a Halachic Exemption from Serving in the IDF?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 50 min
May we daven on Purim while wearing a costume?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 7 min
The Alabama Supreme Court Decision and the Halachic Status of Frozen Embryos
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 24 min
Is Hamas Amalek?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 44 min
How to kasher a meat frying pan that was accidentally used with dairy
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 6 min
When should a soldier on the battlefield recite birkat ha-gomel?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 8 min
Taking Spoils in the War against Hamas
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 3 min
Ethics of War: How much to avoid civilian casualties
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 15 min
Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li - The Special Relationship Between Hashem and Bnei Yisrael
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 12 min
Steak from a 3D Printer: Is it kosher? Is it meat?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 37 min
Tisha B'Av: Finding Shalom at a Time of No Shalom
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 12 min
Can AI be a Posek? Four Approaches
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 21 min
Chassidut and Neo-Chassidut in our communities
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 25 min
The 20th Century Attempt to Unite Conservative and Orthodox Judaism
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 1 h 5 min
Tu B'Shevat - a Religious Zionist Holiday? Halacha, Hashkafa and History
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 20 min
Teshuvot that Changed Jewish Life: The Rosh and the Mashiv Ha'ruach U'morid Ha'geshem Controversy
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 27 min
Can you fulfill the mitzvah of bikur cholim via the telephone?
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 5 min
Teshuvot That Changed Jewish Life: The Ethics of Recreational Hunting
- Rabbi Jonathan Muskat
- Date:
- Duration: 26 min
- Gemara\Aggadeta (21)
- Gemara\Berachot (27)
- Gemara\Eruvin (90)
- Gemara\Makot (22)
- Gemara\Pesachim (96)
- Gemara\Sanhedrin (22)
- Gemara\Shabbat (174)
- Gemara\Shekalim (14)
- Gemara\Yoma (35)
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- Halacha\Avodah Zarah (11)
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- Halacha\Bein Adam l'Chaveiro (6)
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- Halacha\Beit HaKenesset (2)
- Halacha\Beit Hamikdash (1)
- Halacha\Bikur Cholim (1)
- Halacha\Birkat Hamazon (3)
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- Halacha\Kashrut (14)
- Halacha\Kibud Av v'Aim (6)
- Halacha\Kiddush and Havdala (15)
- Halacha\Kiddushin (1)
- Halacha\Kippah (1)
- Halacha\Kohanim (4)
- Halacha\Kriyat HaTorah (5)
- Halacha\Lashon Harah (4)
- Halacha\Lifnei Iver (2)
- Halacha\Marit Ayin (1)
- Halacha\Medical Ethics (13)
- Halacha\Medicine (5)
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- Halacha\Mikvaot (2)
- Halacha\Minhagim (2)
- Halacha\Muktza (5)
- Halacha\Music (1)
- Halacha\Netilat Yadayim (3)
- Halacha\Nezikin (1)
- Halacha\Niddah (1)
- Halacha\Non-Jews (4)
- Halacha\Pesach (16)
- Halacha\Pidyon Shevuyim (1)
- Halacha\Purim (8)
- Halacha\Responsa (11)
- Halacha\Rosh Hashana (2)
- Halacha\Rules of Psak (1)
- Halacha\Science & Medicine (1)
- Halacha\Sexuality (1)
- Halacha\Shaatnez (1)
- Halacha\Shabbat (86)
- Halacha\Shaving (1)
- Halacha\Shavuot (1)
- Halacha\Sheimos (2)
- Halacha\Shemittah (1)
- Halacha\Shofar (1)
- Halacha\STAM (3)
- Halacha\Sukkot (7)
- Halacha\Technology (1)
- Halacha\Tefillah (24)
- Halacha\Tfillin (4)
- Halacha\Torah (4)
- Halacha\Tzedakah (1)
- Halacha\Tzitzis (1)
- Halacha\Tzniut (1)
- Halacha\War (11)
- Halacha\Women (2)
- Halacha\Yichud (2)
- Halacha\Yom Kippur (3)
- Halacha\Yom Tov (10)
- Halacha\Yoreh Deah (2)
- History\10 - 15th Centuries CE (13)
- History\16th - 18th Centuries CE (1)
- History\18th Century CE (2)
- History\19th Century CE (7)
- History\20th Century CE (11)
- History\21st Century CE (4)
- History\5th - 7th Centruries CE (2)
- History\8th - 10th Centuries CE (6)
- History\Bayit Sheni (15)
- History\Period of Tanach (2)
- History\Roman Period (10)
- Machshava\Anti-Semitism (1)
- Machshava\Chanukah (6)
- Machshava\Chassidut (1)
- Machshava\Chinuch (1)
- Machshava\Elul (5)
- Machshava\Emunah (7)
- Machshava\Exploring Judaism (1)
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- Machshava\Ikkarei Emunah (5)
- Machshava\Israel (1)
- Machshava\Kabbalah (1)
- Machshava\Lag BaOmer (1)
- Machshava\Mashiach (2)
- Machshava\Mesorah (1)
- Machshava\Middot (2)
- Machshava\Modern Orthodoxy (1)
- Machshava\Olam Habah (3)
- Machshava\Pesach (11)
- Machshava\Philosophy of Halacha (1)
- Machshava\Politics (1)
- Machshava\Purim (5)
- Machshava\Rabbinic Authority (2)
- Machshava\Rav Kook (2)
- Machshava\Rosh Hashana (2)
- Machshava\Shabbat (3)
- Machshava\Spirituality (2)
- Machshava\Sukkot (6)
- Machshava\Tefillah (350)
- Machshava\Teshuva (12)
- Machshava\Tikkun Olam (2)
- Machshava\Torah (2)
- Machshava\Torah She-Ba'al Peh (1)
- Machshava\Torah U'Madda (1)
- Machshava\Yamim Noraim (2)
- Machshava\Yom Ha'atzmaut (3)
- Machshava\Yom Kippur (11)
- Mishna\Pesachim (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Adar (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Aseret Y'mei Teshuvah (4)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Kislev (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Rosh Chodesh (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Shabbat Hagadol (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Tisha Bav (17)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Tu Beshvat (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Yom Hashoah (4)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Yom Hazikaron (1)
- Moadim U'Zmanim/Holidays\Yom Yerushalayim (2)
- Nach\Esther (3)
- Nach\Yechezkel (1)
- Nach\Yirmiyahu (1)
- Parsha\Acharei Mot (5)
- Parsha\Balak (2)
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- Parsha\Behaalotecha (6)
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- Parsha\Bo (2)
- Parsha\Chayei Sara (6)
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- Parsha\Devarim (4)
- Parsha\Eikev (2)
- Parsha\Emor (8)
- Parsha\Haazinu (3)
- Parsha\Kedoshim (3)
- Parsha\Ki Tavo (4)
- Parsha\Ki Teitzei (4)
- Parsha\Ki Tisa (4)
- Parsha\Korach (4)
- Parsha\Lech Lecha (5)
- Parsha\Masei (1)
- Parsha\Matot (2)
- Parsha\Metzora (4)
- Parsha\Mikeitz (3)
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- Parsha\Shelach (5)
- Parsha\Shemini (4)
- Parsha\Shemot (4)
- Parsha\Shoftim (4)
- Parsha\Tazria (4)
- Parsha\Teruma (4)
- Parsha\Tetzaveh (4)
- Parsha\Toldot (6)
- Parsha\Tzav (3)
- Parsha\Va'era (3)
- Parsha\Va'etchanan (4)
- Parsha\Vayakhel (4)
- Parsha\Vayechi (3)
- Parsha\Vayeilech (2)
- Parsha\Vayeira (6)
- Parsha\Vayeishev (3)
- Parsha\Vayeitzei (4)
- Parsha\Vayigash (4)
- Parsha\Vayikra (4)
- Parsha\Vayishlach (3)
- Parsha\Vezot Haberacha (2)
- Parsha\Yitro (5)
- Personalities\Rashba (1)
- Personalities\Rav Kook (1)
- R' Jonathan Muskat Drashot (27)
- R' Muskat Aggadot Perek Chelek (23)
- R' Muskat Ask the Rabbi (128)
- R' Muskat Contemporary Halacha (16)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Eruvin (88)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Pesachim (99)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Shabbat (109)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Shekalim (15)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Yoma (34)
- R' Muskat Daf Yomi Yoma (2)
- R' Muskat European Orthodox Movements in the Modern Era (5)
- R' Muskat Famous Responsa (19)
- R' Muskat From the 2nd Temple to the 2nd Millennium (45)
- R' Muskat Great Controversies in Early Zionism (5)
- R' Muskat Great Controversies in the Modern State of Israel (9)
- R' Muskat Halacha from the Daf (100)
- R' Muskat Hilchot Coronavirus (6)
- R' Muskat Hilchot Yom Tov (6)
- R' Muskat Machshavah (17)
- R' Muskat Makkot (22)
- R' Muskat Medical Ethics (2)
- R' Muskat Parshat Hashavua (159)
- R' Muskat Pesach 5782 (5)
- R' Muskat Rambam's 13 Ikkarim (8)
- R' Muskat Take 5 for Tefillah (118)
- R' Muskat Take Two for Tefillah (232)
- R' Muskat The American Jewish Community: United or Divided? (4)
- R' Muskat Thought of Rav Kook (3)
- R' Muskat Tzurba M’Rabanan (31)