- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What does a eruv tavshilin allow you to do, and what preparations do not even require a eruv tavshilin? When was the institution of a baal koreh started? If one lost the minyan in the middle of keriyas hatorah, can one continue without a minyan and say kadish? What did Ezra decree regarding the laining of the curses? Can one make hosafos on yom tov? Why do we lain by mincha of a fast day? Why does a chasan deliver a drasha by his wedding, and get an aliya in shul? Who should the yizkor appeal go to? Why can a person during shiva listen to keriyas hatorah but not get an aliya? Is there a haftorah from kesuvim? Is kavod hatorah more important than limud hatorah? Should one sit for kidush on Succos? Should multiple baal korehs split the megillah? Do ten people reading separate megillahs constitute a minyan? Which brachos were composed by the gaonim? Does one need a minyan to recite harav es riveinu? Chumash- Lech Lecha: Why is the world anti-Semitic? How does Hashem judge the anti-Semites?
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