- Rabbi Yona Reiss Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Venue: cRc
Gemara: - Duration: 41 min
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Rabbi Yona Reiss presents a fundamental responsum of the Rashba (6:254) to clarify when one may adapt halachic practices for new situations and how to ensure that such innovations remain faithful to both the law and spirit of the Torah. A special thanks to Henry Goldberg for helping organize this episode.
Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Gary Ambrose in honor of his wife Reva’s birthday and by Judy & Mark Frankel & family in memory of their dear son & brother משה יהודה ז"ל בן מאיר אליהו upon his fifth yahrzeit, and in memory of their dear father מרדכי בן הרב משה יהודה ע"ה
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