Define krach and ir. Is techum Shabbos biblical? Did the mana fall on Yom Tov? Why do we paskin like the Bavli and not like the Yerushalmi? When are the city limits north, south, east, and west? Where did we get a size of 70.6 amos? Who needed to populate a walled city, to consider it a walled city? Can a built up city be converted into a walled city? Does the only Jewish tenant in an apartment building require an eiruv chatzeiros? Who are the asara batlanim? Was temple mount and the land of Israel kadosh during galus Bavel? Do we follow the written word or the pronounced word? Why are women required to fulfil Megillah, Chanukah candles, and four cups pf wine? Why do women not wear tefillin? Which mitzvos are zeicher l'neis versus l'pirsumei mitzvah?
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