- Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
- Date:
- Duration: 29 min
As we continue our exploration of the Minhah, we turn our attention to the series of Minha-wide rulings found in Vayyikra 2:11, 13, including the requirement to have all Menahot (grain offerings) salted. The end of the verse indicates - and such is the Halakhah - that all offerings must be salted; yet that requirement only appears in the context of the Minha. We explore the notion of an "eternal covenant" associated with salt and find that it appears in two contexts. It appears in God's pact with the Kohanim as well as God's pact with the Davidic dynasty. In further exploring the usage of "covenant" in the Kohanic context, we find that Malakhi's rebuke of the Kohanim is centered around their violating the terms of that Berit, which inheres a station of holiness and instruction towards the people. This inquiry leads us to some surprising conclusions about the connection between the Minha offerings and the Kohanim - and their esteemed and lofty calling.
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