Lilui nishmas R' Avraham Abba ben R' Moshe Chaim, Mazal bas R' Ephraim, Esther Tehila bas Rav Gavriel Pinchas, Shifra bas Yitzchack, Yechezkel Aharon ben Chaim Meir, and for bsoros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos for our brothers, sisters, soldiers and captives and refuah shelama for Zlata bas Gittel, Mordechai Yaakov Yuda ben Rivka, Yehonatan Eitan ben Batsheva Bracha, Oz ben Michal and Avraham Shmuel ben Kraindel Yehudis b'soch shar cholei yisroel. Ideas included from Rav Leizer Geldzahler, Rav Soloveitchik, Shelah Ha'Kadosh, Satmar Rebbe and Rav Ephraim Zalman Margulies.
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