Vayakhel 5785: The Gift of Shabbos

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March 19 2025

With Parshas Vayakhel (and Pekudei), Sefer Shemos comes to its glorious conclusion. We have experienced slavery and exodus with the nation (Shemos, Va’era, Bo, Beshalach). We have merited to stand at Sinai, been privy to Divine Revelation and bestowed with the gift of Torah (Yisro and Mishpatim). We have heard the call, and command, of G-d, to build a Mishkan so that His Presence may dwell amongst us (Terumah, Tetzaveh, Ki Tisa [30:11-31:17]). We sinned, and through Moshe’s prayers, were granted forgiveness and a second set of Luchos, for the sin of the Golden Calf. And now, finally, in the final two parshios of Shemos, the Mishkan comes to fruition. The nation donates the materials, the craftsman build, Moshe assembles the final structure, and G-d’s Shechinah dwells within.

This, truly, is the ultimate freedom, and hence, the appellation for Sefer Shemos: Sefer ha’Geula - the Book of Redemption. We were physically redeemed from Egypt; spiritually redeemed with the giving of the Torah; and the highest degree of redemption: when Hashem dwells within us, and amongst us. וַיְכַס הֶעָנָן, אֶת-אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד; וּכְבוֹד המָלֵא אֶת-הַמִּשְׁכָּן - and the Cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of Hashem filled the Mishkan (Shemos 40:34).

In regard to the instructions to build the Mishkan, as well as when it came to the construction of the Mishkan itself, there is an interesting juxtaposition of topics in the Chumash.

The intricate, detailed, and lengthy instructions regarding the blueprint for, and template of, the Mishkan (Terumah, Tetzaveh, Ki Tisa) conclude with the topic of Shabbos (Shemos 31:12-17). שֵׁשֶׁת יָמִים, יֵעָשֶׂה מְלָאכָה, וּבַיּוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי שַׁבַּת שַׁבָּתוֹן קֹדֶשׁ, לַה - for six days work shall be done, and on the seventh day, a Sabbath of Sabbaths, holy to Hashem (31:15). It’s as if we receive a long list of Mishkan-related instructions, and then a seemingly unrelated “P.S.” - keep Shabbos. 

And in our parsha, Vayakhel, before Moshe commands the nation to begin the collection of materials, and to build the Mishkan, the parsha begins with Shabbos. שֵׁשֶׁת יָמִים, תֵּעָשֶׂה מְלָאכָה, וּבַיּוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי יִהְיֶה לָכֶם קֹדֶשׁ שַׁבַּת שַׁבָּתוֹן, לַה - for six days work shall be done, and on the seventh day, it shall be holy for you, a Sabbath of Sabbaths to Hashem (35:2).

The “P.S.” of the Mishkan instructions are “Keep Shabbos.” And the prologue to building Mishkan is “Keep Shabbos.” What do we learn from the juxtaposition of Mishkan and Shabbos?

ואתה דבר אל בני ישראל. וְאַתָּה אַעַ"פִּ שֶׁהִפְקַדְתִּיךָ לְצַוּוֹתָם עַל מְלֶאכֶת הַמִּשְׁכָּן, אַל יֵקַל בְּעֵינֶיךָ לִדְחוֹת אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת מִפְּנֵי אוֹתָהּ מְלָאכָה (Rashi to Shemos 31:13). Rashi explains that even though the work of Mishkan is very important, nevertheless, when Shabbos arrives, the Mishkan work is halted. Between Mishkan building and Shabbos, Shabbos takes precedence. We do not push off Shabbos for the construction of the Mishkan. 

Of course, this is a lesson for us in our daily lives. Not only does Shabbos take precedence over the building of the Mishkan, but it takes precedence over all work that we do during the six days of the week. While we toil for six days - emulating G-d Who created in six days - on the seventh day, all work ceases and we observe Shabbos.  

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin writes, “A kochi v’otzem yadi [the strength and might of my hand made me this wealth, Devarim 8:17] complex is impossible to maintain in the face of Shabbat. The observance of this day reminds us that, in the final analysis, only G-d is the true Creator. At the same time, however, while Shabbat sensitizes us to the limitations of our power, this very same day reminds us how truly powerful we really are.

“Throughout the week our lives are, in so many ways, controlled by the forces surrounding us. Work, school and other responsibilities pull us along at a frenetic pace. Cell phones, BlackBerries and e-email keep us in constant contact [this sefer was published in 2008! What would Rabbi Goldin write today about all the devices and online platforms that never give us rest!]. The demands on our time and energy, from all sides, are overwhelming. We feel out of control, powerless to set these pressures aside. 

“And then… Shabbat arrives. The cell phones, computers and BlackBerries are shut down and put on the shelf. Work, school, and other responsibilities are set aside for another day. Time is spent, at ease, with family and friends. We reconnect with community. We are given the opportunity to regain control of our lives [emphasis added]. Our cessation of physically creative acts becomes a freeing experience, enabling us to truly recognize the power we possess to define and control the quality of our lives.  

“…[However, the full lesson that Shabbos is meant to convey goes beyond the Sabbath day itself.] The true power of this day lies in its potential effect beyond its borders. If on this one day of the week, we are successful in reaching proper perspective - in striking a healthy balance between our power [to create during the week] and our limitations [the recognition that G-d creates, controls and sustains all, an awareness we are meant to learn from keeping Shabbos] - then we can strike that balance on the other days of the week, as well [emphasis added]. The genius of Shabbat, in the final analysis, is evident from its laws. Through cessation of melacha, this holy day teaches us how to reclaim proper life perspective” (Unlocking the Torah Text, Shmot, p.307-308).

Shabbos observance is more than just “keeping Shabbos.” While of course we keep, and observe, the halachos and mitzvos of this exalted day, the perspective of Shabbos should influence our lives during the other six days of the week. At all times, all moments, and for every day of our lives, a “Shabbos mind” teaches us that though we toil, labor, create and produce, ultimately, all of our efforts and successes are due to the might of the One Who creates, sustains, and oversees all.

And when we live with this awareness every day of the week, we will truly be taking the power, lesson and message of Shabbos with us throughout our lives as Jews and ovdei Hashem. Each day of our lives must be infused with kedusha, mindfulness, meaning, purpose and recognition of the dominion of Melech malchei ha’melachim, HKB”H in our lives and world - וַיְבָרֶךְ אֱלֹקַים אֶת-יוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי, וַיְקַדֵּשׁ אֹתוֹ: כִּי בוֹ שָׁבַת מִכָּל-מְלַאכְתּוֹ, אֲשֶׁר-בָּרָא אֱלֹקַים לַעֲשׂוֹת (Bereishis 2:3).

בברכת בשורות טובות ושבת שלום


Collections: Mrs. Horowitz Parsha Post

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