- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Daily Shiur
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
Halacha:Holidays: - Duration: 1 hr 43 min
Rav Schachter discusses the following topics: Chaisheenon l'mee'ootah, source(s) of eid echod ne'eman b'eesurim, eid echod k'neged chazaka, nature of b'yudo and as it relates to the aforementioned principles, explanation for rashi for eid echod ne'eman (daf 2b), eid echod k'neged rove, women and eidus, ba'al davar and eidus, what is considered davar she'b'erva regarding eidus, ne'emanus of a yoledes, lishma of get in hava amina and maskana on daf 2b acc. to tosafos...
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