a. The Steipler on tzfardeia and the destructive power of anger.<br>
b. Rav Zevin's explanation of "v'lakachti eschem mitachas sivlos mitzrayim": the power of doing things by rote.
c. Rav Melech Schachter on the machlokes Rav Yochanan and Reish Lakish in Brachos 5a on the source that yesurim cleanse a person in this world.<br>
d. The Machlokes between the Ibn Ezra and Radbaz about whether the first 3 plagues affected the Jews, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe's support for the Ibn Ezra.<br>
e. Why Pharoh hardened his heart after the plague of pestilence, according to Rav Leib Chasman and the Malbim.<br>
f. Rav Yaacov Kaminetsky's defense of the Rambam's opinion that there's no such thing as magic.
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