- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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What is the etymology of the word kinui? One performs a sin when one suspends one's rationality. At what part of the sotah process is a single witness believed? Why do we not hold like Rebe Eliezer? When is it propper to divorce a woman? Are all worldly actions either a mitzva or an aveira, or are there neutral activities too? Was the torah written in the language that men speak? What is the nature of eiver min hachai? is there an obligation to bury an amputated limb? Is there an obligation on a kohen to bury his relative, when the deceased is not whole? What does one do with clipped nails and why? Is there a minimum age for the army? Judaism has matrilineal descent. Chumash-Vayishlach: Why was Yaakov limping after his encounter with Esau?
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