What is the difference between kedushas bedek ha'bayis versus kadshei mizbeiyach(damim la'mizbeiyach & guf la'mizbeiyach)?When can one redeem an animal sanctified for a karbon? What blemishes are there for a animal versus for a bird? Is there a concept of blemish regarding wine libatons etc? Which karbon minchas are from barley and why? Which karbon mincha may not be brought voluntarily? What is a golel and dofek? What is done with a tameh karbon? What does one buy, with left over money, sanctified for the purpose of purchsing karbanos? When does sotah water not perform a miracle? Is yichud a biblical prohibition, and with whom?
Chumash:Mishpatim- Peshara does not mean compromise, but rather it means to do what is proper, even against din
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