Lecture given on a bus. Rabbi Scachter discusses the Rif,Rii Migash & Ran. How does one fulfil the hidur of vasikin? Can one lechatchila pray shacharis before sunrise? Who authored the Vehu Rachum said on Mon and Thu? Pray less with more concentration. The Rif fled Fez, to Lucena Spain. Why did R Zerachia Halevi call his sefer Maor? The Ramban in the sefer Milchamos Hashem defends the Rif against the Ba'al Hamaor, even if he personally disagreed with the Rif on a given point. The Rii Migash(student of the Rif) blessed the Rambam as a child. The Rambam virtually never disagreed with the Rii Migash. Does a husband inherit his wife's loans? Can one use rennet from a kosher cow, to make cheese? Was Aristotle greater than prophets?Ran on Akeida.
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